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                       A statement to the public opinion and the media in the Turkish Republic.


I was disappointed by the news published by the media lately; since it includes lots of baseless slanders. Some incidents were falsified and connected to these lies and fobrications, inspite of the fact that the statement

I made during the investigation and infront of the Puplic Prosecution denies all these false claims. I am not a spy, and I haven't received any orders on offers to conduct any espionage activities, and I haven't given any political or military secrets (whether they were correct or incorrect) to French or any other external intelligence service.

I am a human-rights activist whose children were deprived of their right to basic children were born in Turkey, some of them reached 8 years old. For reasons that would take a long time to explain Inspite of all my attempts that ended in failure . So I found myself forced to look for a country that grants the right to apply for a visa (human asylum and not political asylum as mentioned in the news) .

I found that France is one of the countries that allows applying for that through its consulate, So I submitted the application and after waiting for 10 months I made the interview with my children in May 2023 And-of Course - the consulate officer asked me about the reasons for my application and the nature of my work, and after the interview. he asked me to send an E-mail with attachments that confirm the Validity of my statements, so I sent documents that confirm that my children were deprived of learning and documents that confirm the deportation decision issued against me, and some links to my articles and TV interviews (which are not confidential and anyone can see them) And links that confirm that I was previously detained in Syria, then I waited For my application to be examined In October 2023 I was threatened to be deported because of my human rights activities, and few days days later another thing happened (not less serious than the deportation threatening) which increased my fears and my feelings of being threatened; because deporting me to Syria. puts my life in jeopardy because of my special case and my previous arrests So I made a video in which I explained what happened with my in details and posted in on Youtube then I posted a statement on my Facebook in which I announced that I stopped my human-rights and media activities in light of the circumstances I was surrounded by. Then I went to Çağlayan Court and submitted a statement to the prosecutor, then I sent an E-mail to the French Consulate asking about the visa and I mentioned. the deportation threat I received and the things that happened to me lately and made me feel insecure, I also asked them to e-mail me instead of calling by phone in case they wanted to contact me, and that was because I was scared by the threats  I received and not because of the false reasons mentioned in the news, and despite of that the consulate called me by phone to inform me that my Visa has been approved . on 22/11/2023 the visa was granted to me On 27/11/2023 I went to the Consulate to get my visa papers. and three hours later, I was arrested On 15/11/2023 I moved to Bursa .after 20 days of looking for a house and that was my own decision without any orders from anyone contrary to what was reported in the news.

I confirm that I got my visa and moved to a new house before contacting (Aleppo Friends Gathering) which denies many of the slanders reported in the news. Aleppo Friends Gathering headed by ( Ms. Irin) -As Husam AL. Nahar told me and as mentioned on their official page on the internet - is an association that offers voluntary help to refugees who wish to reach France, helping in receiving them at the airport, looking for houses to rent, helping in the prosedures for submitting a residence application and in enrolling the children in schools. These associations are very common in all European asylum countries and in America and Canada as Well, and since I don't have any friends or Connections in France, I had to seek help from these associations to help me when I first arrive to France . In the evening of 23/11/2023 Icontacted (Aleppo Friends Gathering) for the first time and we made a whats app group app group in order to make a group audio call to arrange the issues I mentioned and not for any espionage purposes as I was falsely accused

At the end of the group Call we arranged a date for my arrival so that one of the association members will meet me at the airport, and I asked them to help me reach as Soon possible because of the threats that Surround me. After the group call Ms.Irin contacted me through whats app . To clearly understand my fears and threats and she asked me if I was a politician or not because of the threats - and I answered her and assured her that I am a human rights activist and not a politician and I sent her What approves that I am a human rights activist. As for what was published of my unlicensed possession of a gun and lots of bullets I assure that the gun found in my office is a small pistol in which we use small beads as a game to hunt balloons just like the ones available at entertainment beaches. and the bullets are beads and air bullets and all that don't need any licenseTo possess and anyone can buy them from the shops with a normal receipt . And regarding what has been publish that I possess a huge amount of money and I exchanged Lots money, I assure that when I arrested I only had (105 liras) one hundred and five liras, and I only had $900 (nine hundred dollars) in my bank accounts, that's everything

I have . and I don't have any other money orpossessions.  And I normally exchange dollars into liras according to my daily needs and expenses, this confirms the incorrectness of all the fabrications reported in the news .

I assure that I have never worked with any network, and I only contacted Husam Al Nahar for the reasons

I mentioned . And Ibrahim shweish has nothing to do with my French Visa and he only knew that. I applied and got my visa the day I received it (the day I was arrested) and he is renting an office in the same place where I work and if he wasn't accidentally there when the security raided my workplace,he wouldn't have been arrested. I have lived in Turkey for ten years and I am grateful for the safety provided by the Turkish Republic to me, my family and millions of Syrian refugees, and if my children were not deprived of learning, I Would never consider leaving Turkey, and I've always tried to return a small portion of the favor by participating in voluntary work and activities,  one of which was when I risked my life trying to help Some victim's trapped under the rubble in Antakya during the traumatic earthquake in February 2023, and I saved lots of them and evacuated them to other States, and all my friends Know how much I love Turkey Finally,

I would love to remind the newspapers and the media that investigating the facts is a moral duty duty imposed by the professional ethics, and this statement I wrote and sent to be published to the public opinion is to those who want to know the truth, to those who are just and do not participate in injustice by spreading lies and fabrications, because one who made up such slanders and spread. them after 3 months of my arrest, and self-proclaimed himself to accuse me instead of the judiciary , would never do that except for trying to affect the court decission or for purposes beyond that.

These slanders are intentional defamation of my reputation and huge injustice to my kids who were deprived of their father - to whom they are very attached - without any guilt, after being deprived of the right to learn . This is an absolute manipulation of facts and a violation  of justice. I affirm my total rejection to the accusation, and affirm that the slanders are false and mere lies and that I am innoce and not guilty. I believe in the juctice, integrity and independence of the Turkish judiciary , and I am waiting to stand in the court - after the investigations - to be acquitted and released so that I can go back to my kids who miss their father .

- Copy to the public opinion.

- Published in three languages (Turkish - English - Arabic).

-Copy to all newspapers, media and social media pages that published the false news.



            Ahmed Katie


To view a copy of the humanitarian visa and its type to verify the lies of the Turkish newspapers
